Led by two intrepid flying pigs, Claude Delahoussaye Pigasus and Marie Robideaux Pigasus, the people of southern Louisiana known as "Cajuns" emigrated in the early 17th Century from France to the New World. They landed in Nova Scotia then slowly over the century, despite many hardships, made their way down through Canada and the US to the baayous near New Orleans.
Their Mission complete, Claude and Marie married. Today's Cajun Pigasi are their direct descendents and retain their forebears' qualities of high intelligence and fierce loyalty.
Flights of pig arrive very few months at Delanet Street Mercantile. "Plenty of intention but not much wingspan," as John Stein beck used to say (the Pigasus was his personal muse), these indomitable little pigasi are not swift, but they are plucky and determined. When they land they tell us their names, which we put on their namecards, and, on the back of the name card, the history of the flying pig.
Weight 11 lbs
Length 12 in.
Wingspan 7 in.
Height 8 in.